
You’ve arrived at the www.bfd-teilhabe.de website of the “Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland e.V.“ (Turkish Community in Germany). This is where you can find information about the Federal Volunteer Service.

What is the Federal Volunteer Service?

Through the Federal Volunteer Service, young people can get involved for the common good, for a period of 6 to 18 months – mostly full-time. Age, gender, nationality and level of education are irrelevant. Everyone is welcome.

How does the Federal Volunteer Service work?


The people participating in the Federal Volunteer Service are called volunteers. Volunteers provide practical assistance to public interest organisations, for example a migrant organisation or a community centre. Volunteers help out in the office, at events, with public relations work, or with projects. In return for their service, volunteers receive:

  • a monthly allowance
  • contributions to social security
  • holiday entitlement
  • a certificate.

Places of assignment

The organisations participating in the Federal Volunteer Service are called places of assignment. This is where volunteers are deployed and given a practical task. Places of assignment are responsible for the professional guidance and individual accompaniment of the volunteers. They pay the volunteers‘ allowance every month and make contributions to their social security.

Supporting organisation

We – the “Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland e.V.“ – are the supporting organisation. We support the places of assignment in their implementation of the Federal Volunteer Service, and we organise the educational support of the volunteers. This means that we provide the Federal Volunteer Service with seminars. Thanks to these seminars, volunteers can expand their skills, meet with other volunteers and share experiences. To implement this, we work together with a partner. Our partner is the BFD central office BUND e.V. (German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation).

Who covers the costs?

The places of assignment receive a monthly subsidy from the BaFzA (Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions) to cover the allowance and social security costs. The amount of this subsidy depends on the age of the volunteers. It is of

  • up to 250,- Euros per month for volunteers up to 25 years of age
  • up to 350,- Euros per month for volunteers 26 years of age and up


As a place of assignment:
Are you looking for assistance for your migrant organisation, your community project, your sponsorship network, or your intercultural sports club? Become a place of assignment for the Federal Volunteer Service! We will help you during the application process and provide support for your implementation of the Service. For this, you will need to provide

  • proof of non-profit status
  • a field of activity that is suitable for volunteers
  • a fixed contact person on-site
  • a monthly co-payment of 40,- EUR for each volunteer.

As a volunteer:
Interested in getting involved for society? Putting a transition period to meaningful use? Spending some time gaining practical experience? Being active in a diversity-conscious environment? Or in supporting your community? Then a Federal Volunteer Service is just the thing for you. Here you will find an overview of our places of assignment.

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to offer a Federal Volunteer Service for foreign volunteers from abroad. Therefore, we kindly ask you to not send us any applications. 

Information and advice

We’re happy to advise you personally.

Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland e.V.
SOE Bundesfreiwilligendienst
Obentrautstr. 72
10963 Berlin

Telefon: (030) 896 838 111
E-Mail: bfd@tgd.de

Ein Projekt von

Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland. Almanya Türk Toplumu

In Kooperation mit

Gefördert vom

Bundesministierum für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend